Talkin' Shop - EP 6 - Freddy Morales

G'day and welcome to another episode! My name is Corey Schweikert, I am a photographer and host of the show. I interview Australian Creatives and photographers talking about making pictures and actually running a commercial business in photography. you can visit my work at This is EP 5 of the podcast, and our guest today is Freddy Morales. Freddy is a Sydney based Photographer with a strong focus towards food. His love for life, music and photos is contagious. Even though I'd still consider it a breif conversation, he just comes across as a man with soul, good taste and a vision. Please go follow and view his work at @freddy_m_morales

G'day and welcome to another episode! My name is Corey Schweikert, I am a photographer and host of the show. I interview Australian Creatives and photographe...


Talkin' Shop - EP 7 - Mike Curtain


Talkin' Shop Podcast - EP 5 - Sam Scoufus